The black book of Facebook (english)




(Michele Longhi Editore)

On October 28, 2003 Mark Zuckerberg, a young Harvard student, posted a Facemash forerunner on the network and is to all effects the true progenitor of Facebook. This October 2015, twelve years later, we will publish an e-book on the net that tells, and above all exposes the dark side of the most famous social network in the world.

In the next days, we will be posting a blog dedicated to a detailed explanation what we intend to do from now to October, in order to support and promote the awareness campaign and complaint on this hot topic. Meticulous and careful research, lasting two years, including profiles of over 1,500 million users (obviously not an exhaustive search) led us to the gallery of horrors that populate the pages of the most populated and popular Social network which we have selected for this dossier.

The book we will publish is only a limited and partial summary, of the daily junk and trash that infects the Facebook pages in all continents.



We’ve selected the most emblematic photos and videos, to report the risks, especially for the younger generation, of a network sieve that, far from the proclaimed yet never respected duty of supervision; that, on one hand allows boys and girls around the world to come into direct contact with the filth and aberrations that we present to the public opinion, and on the other, with this “exhibition” of Photo & Video Gallery of horror, we proclaim how Facebook does not have any censure or credible control on everything, of every hour, of every day that is posted on the net.

Our book is, most of all, a public complaint of the degeneration, to such a boundless audience, of a misguided sense of freedom of dissemination and communication network in search of the highest “sharing” possible. To each of you, once you’ve read our research, to judge on what we have precisely defined as the dark side of Facebook, and the natural and ethical limits, we believe appropriate, can not be surpassed by anyone, let alone by whom, is the largest and most popular among the many Social networks, and for this reason has more responsibility and mandatory social duties.

What we care about instead, is that those who are responsible, immediately impose a categorical prohibition to minors (under the age of 18) of all latitudes to be able sign up to any Social network of this type.

Antonello e Salvatore Zappadu


CENSORSCHIP– Doubts about how to publish the photos, chapter after chapter, have brought me, my brother (co-author of the book), the publisher and his staff, in a debate of whether or not censoring faces and places, to make them less recognizable and identifiable. We wondered if pixeling porn images, and if the same criteria should be used, in images of pedo-pornography, murders, massacres, violence, rapes and whatever else had happened day after day browsing in our investigation on the facebook pages. It was clear that in child abuse images and in any case all those involving minor suspects or minors censorship was to be total, precisely to safeguard the most vulnerable persons. The most important fact for the reader is to understand that everything we have censored (for personal shame or ethics), on FB you can find everything without restrictions. Just have a little patience and above all understand what “friends” can help in this “search.” Facebook, as we explain in the pictures, in his “fundamentalism bigot”, inhibits you for a nipple, a finger or tongue “out of place”, but not censure or does not seem able to censor the abominable garbage circulating in their pages easily.

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Alfonso Guerrero
>> +39 380 2619956 /// Rome time 9:30 – 17:00




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